Quick Update

October 31, 2017

Long time, no see! A new theme has been installed to the site and a bunch of files have been rearranged. It took a while to reorganize everything - my first attempt last year left this site in a mess. However, everything has clicked for me now. Here are some of the changes:

  • Projects: All projects will be in the Projects category page. Originally, I had the site file on a gh-pages branch of another Git repo on my Github account. However, the html file generated from knitr on RStudio didn’t work out. After some online searching, I found generating a markdown version and adding the front matter a more efficient method.
  • Blog Management - I’ve detailed a little of the new method above, but basically my new method of writing posts is first writing the post in R Markdown, then use knitr to convert the post to Markdown and add the front matter. After that, all that’s left is to upload the post and files to the site directory. Whew!

That’s about it for updates. New stuff will be up on this site in the upcoming weeks.
