Adventures Into Web Development - Jekyll

April 10, 2018

Recently I started getting to web development. While I’m no expert yet, it’s been interesting learning and reviewing the basics of creating web sites. I’ve always enjoyed making and customizing web pages ever since high school. To help me get on a good start, I bough access to a popular web dev course on Udemy - The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele - during one of Udemy’s frequent sales.

It took me about a week to reach the halfway point, and hopefully soon I’ll continue the back end portion of the course. I decided to take a short break and update this site in the mean time. Instead of downloading a ready-to-use Jekyll template, I took a template and added Jekyll components. Whew! It took a while for me to figure out how to utilize YAML and liquid tags, but after a couple of days, I was able to get the site functioning again.

The new theme is from HTML5 Up! - Phantom. I might add some more things to the site in the near future, but the current website is good enough for me. Now time to work on some new projects! I’m thinking of trying out the Python libraries for a couple projects; I haven’t used them.

jekyll web dev
